How to Avoid Social Media Burnout
Are screens and emojis getting you down? Use these tips to explore ways to stay motivated!
If you’re like me, the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night consists of opening up Facebook or Instagram and falling into the same pattern:
Scroll. Like. Post. Comment. Repeat.
Online social life can take up a lot of energy! Here are a few tips on how to reset your mood to avoid burnout.
1. Get Outside: According to this study, walking in nature can improve your memory. Spending time outdoors has also proven to promote self-esteem and increase moods. Taking some time each day to step away from your screen to enjoy the nature around you is a great way to detox a busy social media schedule.
2. Use an App: It sounds counterproductive, but this app may help you be more focused on taking breaks. The productivity app Forest grows a digital tree avatar; the longer you stay focused on one task. Leave the app, and the tree dies! Stay in the app long enough for the tree to bloom, and soon you will have an entire digital garden on your phone. The best thing about this app is that they partner with planting organizations to plant trees in real life!
3. Log Your Time: Keep track of how much time you are spending on social media every day. Being aware of your online habits is the first step towards avoiding burnout. If you notice that you are spending over an hour a day on Facebook or Instagram, it may help to set timers for yourself. Even limiting usage to 30 minutes a day has proven to decrease anxiety.
4. Do Something Productive: Write in a journal, doodle a drawing, write a letter, or even take up a hobby like knitting. Doing something tangible is an excellent reminder that there is more to life than social media.