Avoiding Grant Suspension – Google Ad Grants
Google Ad Grants are a great way for registered and verified 501(c3) nonprofits to create their own Google Ads campaigns. Google has implemented a system where once verified, each Ad Grantee can run Google Ads advertising their cause, with a max budget of $10,000 each month, every month. This is an amazing opportunity for nonprofits who want to expand their reach and brand awareness but may not have had the budget to do so.
Over the past year or so, Google has cracked down on ‘lazy’ Google Ad Grantees and the accounts they run. Google has implemented a number of policies that if not followed – can lead to suspension of the associated Ad Grant account. Here is a brief summary of these policies:
Keyword Policies
As such, the following keywords and queries for serving Ad Grants ads are not permitted:
Single-word keywords (excluding your own branded words, recognized medical conditions, acronyms, and a small number of exception keywords published here)
Overly generic keywords like “best videos”, “cool apps”, “e-books”, “today’s news”, “easy yoga”, “download games”, “things to do”, “job alert”, or names of other organizations, places, historical events, or people on their own
Account Management Policies
Ad Grants accounts must have:
*Specific geo-targeting to show ads in locations where users will find your nonprofit’s information and services useful.
*At least 2 active ad groups per campaign (if you are not exclusively using Smart Campaigns) each containing a set of closely related keywords and 2 active, unique text ad
*At least 2 unique sitelink ad extensions
These are the main requirements for which Ad Grants accounts must abide – although there are other minor website implementations that may be required. The website associated with each Ad Grant account cannot be running Google Adsense ads on the site, as it would essentially be generating the non-profit money for free with paid (unpaid by the nonprofit) ads. Additionally, only the website approved by Google to run ads on may be served as a landing page for ads.
It is highly recommended that on a daily basis (weekly in the worst scenario) the Ad Grant account is combed over to check for any of the above issues.
Start by sorting your keywords in the main keyword dashboard by ‘Status’. Any Low Quality Score keywords will rise to the top. Pause these keywords and be sure to never allow any Low Quality Score keywords in the account.
Additionally, look through the account and pause any single word keywords. Look through the main keywords dashboard to find the total account Click Thru Rate (CTR) week by week. If the account is below 5% at any point, find the lowest CTR keywords (ideally with lower impact and lowest CTR) and pause them.
Find any overly generic keywords, such as “free ___” or “best tips”, and pause them.
Week to week or day to day, CTR and quality score are the only metrics that are likely to change. You are likely in the clear for overly generic and one word keywords after a one time pass through the account.
Also be sure to look over the account management policies to be sure the account is set up properly.
Congratulations! Your Ad Grants account should be able to avoid suspension if you follow the above steps – be on the lookout for a future blog on how to automate most of these steps using Automated Rules within Google Ads.
Please be sure to reach out to us at Bright Productions if you need help managing your Ad Grants or Google Ads account.
Thank you for reading!